The Welsh Government is currently consulting on its draft LGBTQ+ Action Plan.
LGB Alliance Cymru and Merched Cymru believe that policy should be based on evidence rather than ideology, and on the law as it stands rather than as gender identity campaigners would like it to be.
In this respect, the proposed plan fails. It is written from a single Queer Theory-influenced perspective, which prioritises subjective feelings of gender identity over the material reality of biological sex and same-sex attraction.
If the Welsh Government accepts the recommendations of the plan as it stands, it will be bad news for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, women and children in Wales.
Join us and our specially invited expert speakers for a webinar to explore some of the key issues and help inform your responses to this critical consultation.
Merched Cymru and LGB Alliance Cymru are working together to respond to Welsh Government’s LGBT+ Action Plan. See our page here.