Safeguarding issues in therapeutic work with children under 18 years identifying as trans

Presented at Merched Cymru’s webinar, 17th June 2023


Thanks very much for inviting me to contribute to this important discussion. I suppose I am coming at this topic from a number of different directions, as a former social worker with an interest in childcare law and children’s rights, and as a counsellor, with a past connection with the school counselling provision in Wales, and a particular interest in confidentiality and the Gillick principle, as well as being a member of Thoughtful Therapists (Daniels and Jenkins, 2010). Continue reading “Safeguarding issues in therapeutic work with children under 18 years identifying as trans”

Let’s Talk About Sex Webinar

The Welsh Government is currently consulting on its draft LGBTQ+ Action Plan.

LGB Alliance Cymru and Merched Cymru believe that policy should be based on evidence rather than ideology, and on the law as it stands rather than as gender identity campaigners would like it to be.

In this respect, the proposed plan fails. It is written from a single Queer Theory-influenced perspective, which prioritises subjective feelings of gender identity over the material reality of biological sex and same-sex attraction. Continue reading “Let’s Talk About Sex Webinar”