Women’s rights: cross party concern and Conservative electioneering

On Monday 11 July Merched Cymru and LGB Alliance Cymru were honoured to attend a cross-party event in the House of Lords, celebrating the vital importance of free speech. We were delighted to talk to MPs, including our own Tonia Antoniazzi (Gower) and Alex Davies-Jones (Pontypridd), Rosie Duffield, and Joanna Cherry, and meet in person many of the women we admire.

We couldn’t help contrasting the welcome and open discussion we enjoyed to the stonewalling we experience from the Senedd. Take note, please, Mark Drakeford, Hannah Blythyn, Jeremy Miles and other Senedd Members. The rest of the country is waking up to the importance of open debate and Wales risks being left behind in a quagmire of its own making. Continue reading “Women’s rights: cross party concern and Conservative electioneering”

Joint Statement in Response to the EHRC Intervention

Merched Cymru is one of twenty campaigning organisations to sign a joint statement in support of the EHRC’s recent interventions with the UK Government about conversion therapy and with the Scottish Government about proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act to allow self-ID.

We are pleased that the EHRC has demonstrated its commitment to balancing and protecting the human rights of all protected characteristics. Continue reading “Joint Statement in Response to the EHRC Intervention”

Let’s Talk About Sex Webinar

The Welsh Government is currently consulting on its draft LGBTQ+ Action Plan.

LGB Alliance Cymru and Merched Cymru believe that policy should be based on evidence rather than ideology, and on the law as it stands rather than as gender identity campaigners would like it to be.

In this respect, the proposed plan fails. It is written from a single Queer Theory-influenced perspective, which prioritises subjective feelings of gender identity over the material reality of biological sex and same-sex attraction. Continue reading “Let’s Talk About Sex Webinar”

Let’s talk about sex!

The Welsh Government’s ‘LGBTQ+’ Action Plan is allegedly for lesbian, gay and bisexual people as well as those falling under the trans umbrella. We disagree with the government’s approach; this Plan has disturbing implications for all of us who believe that sex is real, immutable and important.

We refuse to be silent when we see the rights and protections based on sexual orientation and sex trashed by a Government which dares to call itself feminist.

Continue reading “Let’s talk about sex!”

Merched Cymru’s Ali Morris and LGB Alliance Cymru’s Sarah Tanburn speak at the Women’s Human Right Campaigns Webinar

Merched Cymru were proud to have one of our members, Ali Morris, speaking at the WHRC seminar. Along with LGB Alliance Cymru’s Sarah Tanburn, she presented an overview of the situation in Wales.

Continue reading “Merched Cymru’s Ali Morris and LGB Alliance Cymru’s Sarah Tanburn speak at the Women’s Human Right Campaigns Webinar”