Safeguarding needs strong boundaries

As any parent or teacher knows boundaries are an important part of keeping children safe. They are also an important part of children feeling safe. Children, from toddlers to teens need to know that adults who have their best interests at heart will maintain boundaries for them to ensure their safety, no matter how much they rail against them. As children grow it is equally important that they are involved in setting and keeping their own boundaries so that they are able to keep themselves safe both mentally and physically. This must be done sensitively, making it clear to children that they have an absolute right to their own boundaries whilst being equally clear that if somebody does transgress these boundaries that it is never their fault. The perpetrators of abuse are always at fault, never the victims. Continue reading “Safeguarding needs strong boundaries”

RCT council ‘Transgender Toolkit For Secondary Schools’ is a safeguarding nightmare.

Tanya Carter from Safe Schools Alliance UK talks about the group’s concerns with the undermining of safeguarding and misrepresentations of the law contained in this document.

Safe Schools Alliance UK are appalled at the actions of the Welsh high school  acting on this guidance from Rhondda Cynon Taff council.

They have failed this vulnerable child and his family miserably. They have thrown all established safeguarding out the window. They have abandoned the principle of working collaboratively with parents in the best interests of children. They have shown absolutely no professional curiosity regarding the toolkit from the council. Continue reading “RCT council ‘Transgender Toolkit For Secondary Schools’ is a safeguarding nightmare.”