Mixed sex toilets in Wales’ schools – breaking the law

New and refurbished school buildings across Wales are imposing mixed sex toilet facilities on children. These toilets are not compliant with the law, and present considerable problems, particularly for girls.

Merched Cymru’s research shows that 15% of Welsh secondary schools surveyed have only mixed sex toilet provision, with many more having some or most of their provision in mixed sex blocks with shared handwashing facilities, which are not compliant with the regulations. Continue reading “Mixed sex toilets in Wales’ schools – breaking the law”

Sex, gender and inclusivity in sport: Senedd briefing

At the end of November we held a briefing event at the Senedd in partnership with Fair Play for Women. The private event was sponsored by Laura Anne Jones (thank you to Laura and her staff) and held under Chatham House rules in order to encourage open debate. We were absolutely delighted by the number of attendees, and particularly delighted that all political parties were represented, no doubt encouraged by our focus on finding ways to ensure that sports is truly accessible to all.

We heard from three expert speakers: rowing coach Jane Sullivan; Dr Jon Pike, Chair of the British Philosophy of Sport Association; and Fiona McAnena, Director of Sport at Fair Play for Women. The remainder of the session was given over to comments and questions from the attendees. They considered the particular barriers that women and girls face – cultural, social, biological, economic – and the need to balance fairness and safety alongside inclusion.

Continue reading “Sex, gender and inclusivity in sport: Senedd briefing”

Welsh women won’t wheesht

Rallying for Jen, justice and free speech!

On Sunday 23rd January Jennifer Swayne (Jen) was arrested and charged with aggravated public disorder. Jen was posting stickers in Newport. Stickers opposing sex-based violence, stating that three women a week are killed by men in the UK –truth. Stickers asserting women’s biology, and that humans cannot change sex – truth. Stickers calling for women’s single-sex safe spaces to be protected – currently they are not.

Jen, who is disabled and uses a mobility scooter, was held in Newport police station for over 10 hours. Her phone was seized and, during a later search of her home, more stickers and a book (a collection of academic essays) were also seized. Continue reading “Welsh women won’t wheesht”

Call to action: Support Swansea feminists

As part of our continued support for Swansea University’s Feminist Society (please see blog dated Jan 15th for full details), we urge as many of you as possible to send letters to the University’s Vice Chancellor, Student Union’s CEO, Student Union’s President and Students’ Union Student Voice Coordinator.

If you are short on time, these letters can be the same for all of them. We want VOLUME. We want to show the University that women’s feminist voices will not be silenced, curtailed or banned.

If you are or have been a student (of Swansea Uni or other), work in academia or are involved in University life in any other way then please make this point. Continue reading “Call to action: Support Swansea feminists”

The Senedd should reject this bodged RSE proposal

This morning Merched Cymru sent an email to all Senedd Members in response to Welsh Government’s publication yesterday evening of a new document, ‘Curriculum for Wales: draft RSE statutory guidance and code’.
MSs will be required to vote on both the Code today after a 30 minute debate which will take place less than 24 hours after the publication of a key document. This is insufficient time for our representatives to reach an informed opinion about the adequacy of the RSE Code.
Continue reading “The Senedd should reject this bodged RSE proposal”