Joint Statement in Response to the EHRC Intervention

Merched Cymru is one of twenty campaigning organisations to sign a joint statement in support of the EHRC’s recent interventions with the UK Government about conversion therapy and with the Scottish Government about proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act to allow self-ID.

We are pleased that the EHRC has demonstrated its commitment to balancing and protecting the human rights of all protected characteristics. Continue reading “Joint Statement in Response to the EHRC Intervention”

Stonewall crumbling – except in Wales?

Merched Cymru welcomes the news that the Equality and Human Rights Commission has cut ties with Stonewall. We hope that this might impact the largely uncritical attitude towards Stonewall in Wales.

Protecting women and girls’ sex-based rights

Merched Cymru came in to existence in response to explicit attacks on women’s sex-based rights. Our right to single-sex spaces, services and opportunities. Our right to speak, and to be listened to. Our right to name ourselves and our bodies. Our right to set boundaries. To say no.

Continue reading “Stonewall crumbling – except in Wales?”

Ann Sinnott’s case against the EHRC dismissed

Today was the initial hearing in the crowdfunded case brought by Ann Sinnott against the EHRC – the organisation that is charged with upholding our human rights.

Ann had pointed out that the EHRC was misrepresenting the Equality Act in relation to single-sex provision by advising organisations – rape crisis centres, prisons, hostels, hospital wards – that they could only exclude men who identified as women in ‘exceptional’ cases. In other words, they could not automatically assume it would be legal to offer female-only services. Continue reading “Ann Sinnott’s case against the EHRC dismissed”