Welsh women won’t wheesht

Rallying for Jen, justice and free speech!

On Sunday 23rd January Jennifer Swayne (Jen) was arrested and charged with aggravated public disorder. Jen was posting stickers in Newport. Stickers opposing sex-based violence, stating that three women a week are killed by men in the UK –truth. Stickers asserting women’s biology, and that humans cannot change sex – truth. Stickers calling for women’s single-sex safe spaces to be protected – currently they are not.

Jen, who is disabled and uses a mobility scooter, was held in Newport police station for over 10 hours. Her phone was seized and, during a later search of her home, more stickers and a book (a collection of academic essays) were also seized. Continue reading “Welsh women won’t wheesht”

Call to action: Support Swansea feminists

As part of our continued support for Swansea University’s Feminist Society (please see blog dated Jan 15th for full details), we urge as many of you as possible to send letters to the University’s Vice Chancellor, Student Union’s CEO, Student Union’s President and Students’ Union Student Voice Coordinator.

If you are short on time, these letters can be the same for all of them. We want VOLUME. We want to show the University that women’s feminist voices will not be silenced, curtailed or banned.

If you are or have been a student (of Swansea Uni or other), work in academia or are involved in University life in any other way then please make this point. Continue reading “Call to action: Support Swansea feminists”

Activism: Ask your candidates if they support women’s rights

Merched Cymru wants to ask all candidates the #SecsYnYSenedd #SexintheSenedd question:

Do you support women’s sex-based rights as set out in the Equality Act 2010? Please answer yes or no. If no, please explain briefly why not.

A ydych chi’n cefnogi hawliau menywod ar sail rhyw fel y nodir yn Neddf Cydraddoldeb 2010? Atebwch ie neu na, os gwelwch chi’n dda. Os na, esboniwch yn fyr paham.

Continue reading “Activism: Ask your candidates if they support women’s rights”

Putting Safeguarding First: questions to party leaders in Wales

Safe Schools Alliance are writing to all candidates for London Mayor to ask them questions on safeguarding children, particularly girls, in our schools. Merched Cymru are asking for the same commitment from Party Leaders in Wales.

There are five questions that we would like all Party Leaders to answer ‘yes’ to. It should not be difficult for them to do that, particularly given the recent (and past) revelations about the alarming levels of sexual assault and harassment of girls in secondary schools. Continue reading “Putting Safeguarding First: questions to party leaders in Wales”