Merched Cymru wants to ask all candidates the #SecsYnYSenedd #SexintheSenedd question:
Do you support women’s sex-based rights as set out in the Equality Act 2010? Please answer yes or no. If no, please explain briefly why not.
A ydych chi’n cefnogi hawliau menywod ar sail rhyw fel y nodir yn Neddf Cydraddoldeb 2010? Atebwch ie neu na, os gwelwch chi’n dda. Os na, esboniwch yn fyr paham.
We have been trying to ask Senedd candidates their views on this simple question about the law. It’s been difficult because so many candidates don’t use or don’t reply to emails. They are all using social media though. (We think this is a democratic deficit in itself, by the way.)
We know many have had the emails but are simply not responding to us. Where we don’t get an answer we will publish that that candidate did not respond. If they reply, we will publish it as yes or no. We aim to put these answers on this website before voting starts on Thursday.
So: please tweet or Facebook your candidates on Friday or Saturday (today or tomorrow as we write this). When they reply, tag in @MerchedCymru.
They have till Tuesday lunchtime to respond. After that we will be collating answers for publication on this website.
- It doesn’t matter if the candidates get asked lots of times. The more pressure we put on them the better.
- Do use an anonymous account if you have one and you need to protect yourself from online bullying.
- Send a DM or ask on their public timeline. Whatever you like. Just ask the question!
We are particularly interested in Labour, Plaid and LibDems as those parties in particular seem to be resisting any commitment to women’s rights.
Focus on them if you are short of time.
Diolch yn fawr and thanks. Go to it, sisters!