Watch the webinar here
Safe Schools Alliance Tanya Carter
Analysis of existing RSE / PSHE resources & providers.
Legal Factsheets.
‘How to talk to schools’ – templates and resources for parents.
Transgender Trend Stephanie Davies-Arai
Schools resources for parents & teachers; resources for parents of trans-identified children.
Legal, scientific & clinical fact-sheets relating to trans-identified children & young people.
STIM Education Christian Wilton-King
Autism awareness training, mentoring and support.
My Period. Find your flow and feel proud of your period. Wren & Rook 2021
Genspect Stella O’Malley
Gender-divergence: guidance booklets for schools, colleges, parents, psychotherapists, pediatricians and mental health providers. Training for schools, colleges, organisations.
Inspire VAWDASV Consultancy Ali Morris
Training & consultancy focused on domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, prostitution, trafficking, child sexual exploitation.
Men at Work Michael Conroy
Training & consultancy for schools, communities & organisations focused on challenging sexism and fostering violence-free relationships.
#10Dialogues for Boys & Young men (and Those Working with Them)
Humanise Michael Conroy
Repository of ideas and resources for teaching RSE and related topics.
A webinar for educators and parents about biology, equality, and children’s well-being
The importance of getting relationships and sex education right.
We know that our children’s mental health is at an all-time low and that sexual harassment and homophobic bullying is rife in our schools, encouraged by easy access to pornography and our increasingly sexualised society.
The Welsh Government’s RSE legislation and code will do little or nothing to deal with these serious and growing problems.
Our webinar will address critically important topics which have been neglected, or indeed omitted, from the RSE legislation and code: topics such as safeguarding, pornography (and its easy access), sexual violence, gender stereotyping and supporting gender non-conforming children.
We’ve joined forces with LGB Alliance Cymru and Women’s Rights Network Wales to put together a stellar line-up of expert speakers who will offer solutions, advice, and resources.
They are:
- Tanya Carter on safeguarding and boundaries
- Michael Conroy on sexual harassment, misogyny & masculinity
- Stephanie Davies-Arai on inclusion, diversity, and and ideal RSE
- Milli Hill on periods, puberty and body-positivity
- Ali Morris on child exploitation, grooming, and prostitution
- Stella O’Malley on bullying, belonging, and gender non-conforming kids
- Christian Wilton-King on autism, disability, and inclusion
Blog posts
Welsh schools and trans guidance – hung out to dry
Vale of Glamorgan: Transgender inclusion toolkit
Every girl needs a best friend
The importance of sex-based language, data and strategies for transformation
Welsh schools caught short on toilet provision
Sexual violence and the abuse of our girls
More about our speakers:
Tanya Carter – Safe Schools Alliance
Tanya Carter is one of the spokeswomen for Safe Schools Alliance. Safe Schools Alliance is a grassroots group of parents and professionals established in 2019. They have come together to uphold safeguarding and the correct interpretation of the Equality Act in schools. Tanya has four daughters, a background in early years and has served as a chair of governors at a junior school. She is passionately committed to safeguarding children and improving understanding of what safeguarding entails and the importance of safer recruitment.
Michael Conroy – Men at Work
Michael Conroy is the founder of Men at Work and the creator of #10 Dialogues for Boys & Young Men. He has worked in secondary education for 16 years, delivering a wide range of citizenship and well-being programmes for students. In recent years he has developed bespoke CPD for school staff in unpicking social influences on the values and beliefs of boys and young men and how some of those influences can manifest in a range of problematic behaviours. In 2021, Men at Work was co-sponsor of the first global conference on the conflict between porn and effective sex education in schools. Michael is also a Youth Mental Health Instructor with a particular interest in suicide prevention.
Stephanie Davies-Arai – Transgender Trend
Stephanie Davies-Arai is the founder of Transgender Trend with the aim of disseminating research and evidence-based information for parents and professionals on the subject of children and young people with gender dysphoria. She is also a parent effectiveness trainer and the author of the book ‘Communicating with Kids’.
In 2018 Stephanie published a schools’ guide for which she was shortlisted for the John Maddox prize, a joint initiative of the charity Sense about Science and the science journal ‘Nature’, which “recognises the work of individuals who have promoted sound science and evidence on a matter of public interest, with an emphasis on those who have faced difficulty or hostility in doing so”.
Milli Hill – author and founder of the Positive Birth Movement
Milli Hill is a writer, feminist and freelance journalist with a passion for reframing the narrative around women’s bodies. As well as the ‘Positive Birth Book’, she is also the author of ‘Give Birth like a Feminist’. From 2012 to 2021 she founded and ran the Positive Birth Movement, a global network of antenatal discussion groups aimed at improving birth and giving women better access to support and information.
Milli’s most recent book ‘My Period’ (a period guide for preteens) aims to help young girls become better informed about their menstrual health and, through this, feel more positive about their incredible bodies.
She is a member of the advisory group for Sex Matters and an advisor for Genspect.
Ali Morris – Merched Cymru and Inspire Consultancy & Training
Ali Morris is a feminist activist and campaigner who has worked in the VAWG sector for over 25 years, including refuges and outreach. She is a qualified social worker and was the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Coordinator for Swansea Council. She encouraged the Council to adopt a zero tolerance policy for strip clubs in the area and obtained the first ever funding for a local project supporting women in prostitution. She is particularly concerned by the grooming of young girls in to the ‘sex work is work’ mantra, often via OnlyFans.
She now runs Inspire, a specialist VAWDASV Consultancy and Training business.
Stella O’Malley – Genspect
Stella O’Malley is a psychotherapist and author whose work focuses on parenting, family dynamics and working with teenagers. She has a particular interest in the mental health and well-being of young people.
She is the author of Cotton-wool Kids’, and ‘Bully-proof Kids: practical tools to help kids grow up confident, resilient and strong’. Her latest book ‘Fragile’ focuses on overcoming anxiety and stress.
Stella is a Clinical Advisor for the Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine and a founding member of the International Association of Therapists for Desisters and Detransitioners.
Christian Wilton-King – STIM Consultancy & Training
Christian Wilton-King has worked in special educational needs for two decades. An experienced trainer, autism specialist teacher, and advanced practitioner, Christian is passionate about creating a more inclusive world for autistic people. He also has particular interests in disability rights, safeguarding and ethics. He is active in the fight against gender norms, the systemic permitting of male-violence, and the erosion of parental rights by groups who seek to divide children from their families.
He is the director of Stim Education which aims to help educators and other professionals and organisations to make their environments accessible and safe for autistic people.