What we stand for

We are opposed to any form of discrimination. We believe that everyone should be able to live their lives free from discrimination or harassment.

We recognise, however, that women still face unacceptable levels of discrimination, sexual violence and harassment because of our biological sex.

That is why ‘sex’ is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and the provision of single sex services, spaces and protections are permitted to ensure women’s safety, privacy and dignity.

Circumstances where single sex exemptions can be applied include:

  • Women’s refuges
  • Rape crisis centres
  • Domestic violence services
  • Women’s prisons
  • Women’s sports
  • Redressing the historical marginalisation of women in politics through all-women shortlists
  • Recognition of women in traditionally male-dominated professions

We stand for the protection of these rights and for organisations to apply single sex exemptions without fear of being accused of unfair discrimination.